Tuesday, 21. May 2013
Continuing workplace role changes have taken me away from the Microsoft System Center suite. Now, I’m working with Citrix XenApp, and had little administration or engineering experience with Citrix technologies prior to this change.
I recently attended Citrix Synergy 2013 in Anaheim, CA and had the opportunity to take a free exam. Because of my recent experience planning and beginning to implement XenApp 6.5, I took the 1Y0-A20 exam which is titled “Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration”. The test wasn’t too difficult considering I’d built several XenApp farms while evaluating 6.5 for migration, and it shouldn’t be too difficult for most who’ve built a farm or two.

Saturday, 19. June 2010
I posted previously about attending a Microsoft authorized training course on Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (officially shortened to ConfigMgr, but commonly referred to as SCCM). After that course, I had intended on taking the exam but as the product was not one in which I was involved with regularly, and some life stuff that got in the way, I put it off.
This year my work responsibilities have shifted and I’m now managing my employer’s ConfigMgr environment. I’ve spent time since getting back up to speed on the product, remembering those details from the class and learning other details which you can only get by experience on a “real-world” deployment. Because I’ve been so deep in ConfigMgr lately, it seemed to only make sense that I should get the test out of the way, and the fact that Microsoft’s “Second Shot” program is nearing an end prompted me to start studying.
Overall, I would say the biggest study tool I used was my employment. Aside from that, I also used this book which I have found to contain a good amount of information. Microsoft also has information on its page which gives details about the exam, skills measured, and recommend training; that information can be found here.

Sunday, 15. November 2009
So I took advantage of VMware’s VCP upgrade offer and have successfully passed the VMware Certified Professional exam for vSphere 4.
Normally VMware requires that a candidate complete an authorized training course in order to attain VCP certification, however, through the end of the year they are allowing current VCP’s on Virtual Infrastructure 3 to upgrade by successfully passing the vSphere 4 exam. This is great for those of us who may not have the opprotunity to attend another class on our employer’s time and money.

Sunday, 25. January 2009
At the office, we’re starting to deploy the Microsoft System Center suite, beginning with the Configuration Manager tool. This tool is the next version of Microsoft’s System Management Server (or SMS).
In order to get up to speed, I was sent to a local Microsoft authorized training facility. The class is 5 days long and covers everything from product installation and configuration, to design and OS/software deployment.
I’m also reviewing the course requirements for Microsoft test 70-401. Information about this exam can be found here.
Monday, 1. December 2008
Several months ago, my employer brought in VMware to provide the Fastrack course covering VI3. Along with the course, each attendee was given a voucher code to take the VMware Certified Professional (VCP) course. After procrastinating for several months, and the voucher expiration nearing, I finally buckled down and started studying.
I scored a total of 98/100, while 70 is required to pass.
The Fastrack course is a lot of material. For that entire work week, I spent 8+ hours a day in class, and the class could have been twice as long and still a challenge.
I’m sure this will be the last test of the year, but I am scheduled for a week of training on Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager product in January and there is an associated certification test for that product as well. 😉

Friday, 1. August 2008
It’s been a very busy week of studying, but today was the day I picked to take the 70-646 test. I spent hours per night going through the material in order to be prepared for todays test date.
Fortunately, the hard work paid off and I passed todays test with a perfect score: 1000/1000!

Now, I need to plan which test I’m going to take next. I’m considering proceeding forward to the MCITP:EA test but I’m not quite sure which I’ll start studying for now. I’m going to enjoy the weekend and then figure this out and continue studying early next week.
Friday, 25. July 2008
Today I nailed Microsoft 70-640 pretty well; ended up with a score of 981/1000. I think that’s pretty good for only allowing 2 weeks to study. On top of that, I lost the weekend since my truck died, forcing me to spend all Sunday at the auto dealer. I can’t complain too much though as this week I got a new truck and a new cert.
Overall, the test had a fair amount of DNS questions on it. This shouldn’t be terribly suprising for people familiar with A.D. since it’s based heavily on DNS. There were also a fair amount of questions on PKI and Ceritificate Services.
Once again, the Microsoft Press “Self-Paced” book got the job done very well.

Next, I plan to take test 70-646 which is the first Professional level exam for Server 2008. I intend to pass this by August 8 for sure, but I’m considering cramming through it by the 1st. We’ll see.
Friday, 11. July 2008
I took Microsoft Certification test 70-642 today. This is one test of the MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) series for Windows Server 2008. It specifically covers “Network Infrastructure Configuration”, which includes topics such as DNS and DHCP, as well as some new things like NAP, or Network Access Protection.
Overall, the test shouldnt be too difficult for a candidate who has some real-world experience regarding many of these topics, and who puts the time in to get up to speed on some of the new things Microsoft has added with Server 2008.
As you could probably tell, I passed this test; I finished with a score of 966/1000. Not bad for only taking 2 weeks to sutdy. And in case you were wondering, I used the official Microsoft Press Self-Paced study book for this test.

I’m already looking over the material for 70-640, which is MCTS: Active Directory Configuration. Estimated test date is August 1, 2008.
Wednesday, 2. July 2008
My most recent quest is to attain a respectable certification level for an IT professional. What better a cert to complete than an MCITP?
MCITP stands for “Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional” and is their current certification for Network Admins and Systems Engineers. The MCITP tests are the equivalent to the previous MCSA (Systems Administrator) and MCSE (Systems Engineer) certifications which were used during the WindowsNT through Windows Server 2003 days. The MCITP cert focuses on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista.
Over the next few months, I’ll update this page with my current progress towards this certification. First stop: Test 70-642… “Configuring Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure”. Estimated completion: 7/31/2008.
More information regarding the Microsoft MCITP Certification can be found here.